February Is American Heart Month | Feetures Blog

February Is American Heart Month

February Is American Heart Month

In 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson established February as American Heart Month, a tradition we've continued ever since. This annual proclamation is an opportunity to learn more about heart disease, the leading cause of death in America. It's also a chance to learn more about how we can get our hearts in better shape for a long-lasting future. At Feetures, our mission is to support runners and other athletes pursuing healthy, active lifestyles. Whether you're ready to run a marathon or you've just started learning golf, we have the perfect socks to support your heart-healthy goals.

Why Heart Health Matters

Your heart health matters not only because heart disease is the leading risk factor for death but because your heart affects your entire body and overall health. By learning more about the factors that affect your heart, you can significantly decrease your risk factors for heart disease and your risk for a heart attack or stroke. It's never too late to start improving your heart and overall fitness, and Feetures has the right socks for you no matter where you are in your fitness journey. We even have an entire Relief and Recovery Socks collection that can provide increased blood flow and faster recovery.

Ways To Increase Heart Health

There are many ways to improve your heart health, from quitting smoking to eating more fruits and vegetables, but one of the most common and straightforward ways is to get moving. Regular exercise paired with proper nutrition can strengthen your heart, just like any other muscle in your body. No matter your age or previous activity, you can improve the function of your heart and your overall health. Try different activities like walking, hiking, or cycling to see which one you enjoy if you're just getting started. And when you're ready, running is one of the best activities to support your physical and cardiovascular health.

Feetures Is Here for All Your Movement Goals

We believe that your feet are the foundation of your fitness. That's why we're extra passionate about supporting your feet and caring for your heart. Our socks use targeted compression for exceptional comfort, anatomical design to deliver an enhanced fit, and a seamless toe so you'll never have an annoying toe seam slow you down.

When you're ready to take steps to improve your heart health, take our sock finder quiz to learn more about the ways our socks can support your unique goals.

Written by

Blue Corona

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