The Run Down – Page 5 – Feetures

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The Run Down

Runner's City Guide: NYC

♪ In New York ♪ you should be running! With the annual New York Marathon coming up just around the corner, we wanted to give a guide for all the places to run, eat, and hang out while you're there - whether...

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Everyday Crew Style Guide

Maximize Performance Without Sacrificing Style The art of effortless wear. It’s not as easy as it seems. Stylish shoes often come at the price of comfortable socks. And that uncomfortable shuffle in your step when you feel an oncoming blister? That...

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Runner's Guide to Charlotte

Runner's Guide to Charlotte

Runner’s Guide to Charlotte Next up in our Runner’s Guide series, Charlotte, NC. This is home to Feetures Product Design, Marketing, Inventory Planning and Sales teams, and thus it holds a special place in our hearts! The Queen City: Charlotte,...

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ROAM: To Wander With Purpose

It’s 8am on a Saturday. The smell of rain lingers in the air. Long-gone showers have softened the trail in front of you; as you lean down to lace up, you see a shimmer of morning dew against green grass. ...

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What does it mean to ROAM?

What does it mean to ROAM?

 Who is that man running alone at night? Why doesn’t he run during the day? Because the hours change. Because he can’t always choose the time. Because his day is filled with other people’s demands. And it turns out that...

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Feetures Is the Official Sock Partner of Peloton

Feetures Is the Official Sock Partner of Peloton

Feetures is now the official sock partner of Peloton. With their commitment to providing world-class fitness instruction to individuals through cutting-edge technology and stellar equipment, Peloton is a perfect match for our own mission. Our Story After working in the...

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