5 Tips for Setting Running Goals That Are Realistic – Feetures
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How To Set Running Goals That Are Realistic

How To Set Running Goals That Are Realistic

Many runners use goals to motivate us. With so many easily recorded metrics of speed and endurance, runners have any number of ways to measure achieve of their running goals and to set new ones. But how do you set running goals that are realistic– goals that are challenging but attainable?

We’ve spoken with a lot of athletes about how to set running goals. One consistent theme emerged: Set running goals based on your skills, experience, fitness level, and competitive ability – not somebody else’s.

Tailor Running Goals to Your Experience Level

Are you a brand-new runner looking to set a time goal for your first race? Most running goals for beginners focus on completion, not time or speed. For example, set a goal to complete the race and feel strong at the end. As your endurance and fitness level increase, you can shift to setting pacing goals.

More experience runners can use previous race times to get an idea of a goal pacer. For example, if your current marathon time is 4:10 and you trained consistently, it is probably realistic to set a race goal to break 4 hours in your next marathon if you complete an entire training cycle. It is probably not realistic to break 3 hours yet.

Good Running Goals Have Timelines

How realistic a goal is has a lot to do with the timeline in which you plan to achieve it. It can be challenging to set goals far in the future when it comes to running because abilities, plans, and priorities change.

To set the most realistic running goal possible, consider a goal that can be obtained within one training cycle, such as taking 15 seconds per mile off your 5k time, 10 minutes off your marathon time, or completing your first marathon injury free.

Consider Your Dedication and Availability

How committed are you to reaching your running goal? Have you successfully been able to prioritize your training in the past, or do you find that life often gets in the way of your workouts?

There is no right or wrong answer here, but it’s important to evaluate how much time you have to training and how likely you are to stay committed during this particular period of time in your life. If you’re planning a cross country move, working tons of overtime, or wrangling a nocturnal infant, it may not be the best time to pursue a Boston Qualifier.

Past Performance Can Guide New Running Goals

How have you fared in events of a similar distance? If you are seeking a new distance PR as your goal (such as training for your first marathon or half marathon), consider what has worked well for you during previous training periods. If you get injured when running more than 30 miles per week, targeting a 50 mile race is probably not realistic.

Use Your Competitiveness as a Motivator

You can learn a lot about a course or event based on how others have performed. Check results in your age group to discover whether a course is “fast” or “slow,” and consider looking up weather conditions as well. You’re more likely to run a PR on a cold day than a warm one!

Written by

Jinnie Austin

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